enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long, Long Time...

     Does that sound like the title or bridge of a country song?

     Anyway, I know it has been a really long time. Shame on me! I know. Perhaps I have no legitimate excuse, but I will attempt to offer one nonetheless; I have been so busy!! There were midterms, then I got sick, and now I have finals, and Matt is sick.

     When was the last time I went to class? Why are none of my papers done? Counting down two hours until my ten page Criminology paper is due. I have to write five pages on each topic, one of which is how families of prisoners are forced into their own version of incarceration due to the stigma of association. I feel that that topic is fairly easy to BS my way through, I think I can come up with enough information to fill hopefully four pages. The other topic is about how prisoners lose their self identity from the outside when they serve time, and how they are prisonized and form a new identity. I don't know how to crap that. There's only like half the necessary readings in my course pack, and it's soooo looong. I also have an eight page paper due tomorrow night on Masters and Johnson. While the topic is interesting at least, I need twenty articles and they're so long too.

     Why can't I just sleep as much as I want, take a bubble bath, read, and play computer games? Why do I have to have responsibilities :(

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