enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things

Check Out My Other Blogs!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Dream of a Dream

     I had the best dream last night, and I just had to share it. I was dating Chuck Bass. It was actually a morph of him and a certain someone from high school (I'll just call him DL). I just have to say, it was a very sexy/risqué morph of a man. Somehow there was a large group of people, perhaps some from his group of friends in high school, perhaps some of the gang from Gossip Girl, but I know for sure my friends in the dream were the girls from Pretty Little Liars. Can I just point out that it seems as though my subconscious is really looking forward to TV tonight?! I don't remember all the details but some of us were hiding and others were trying to escape, but Chuck/DL and I kept stealing kisses when no one was looking. It was a very happy dream :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ahh, Freedom

     My first day of relaxation has been magnificent so far. I did wake up rather early, but it's the first day back here, and I usually wake up pretty early. I had some coffee and breakfast (I made sticky buns again) and did quilting figuring on the computer with my mom. She is sending a friend pictures of some panels of her quilt "Tucson Splendour" and I helped her size them all. I have no cleaning to do, no dishes (thank Josephine Cochrane for that!), no cooking, no anything really, and I am loving the freedom!!

     Fabricville is having a sale this weekend, so Maman and I decided to go. I needed some border and backing fabric for my currently unnamed Christmas project. Mom and Dad went to Mexico at the beginning of the month, and brought me back a really nice sun dress that actually fits perfectly. So of course we must replicate it; we found some really gorgeous fabric for that. Maman also bought some Mexican rayon (which is pretty shitty quality) to make some skirts and beach cover-ups. We found some similar and nicer fabric so we got that too. It was a nice outing :) I love fabric!

     I have a cat to rescue. Dublin ventured into the very dark recesses of our basement, and is being snotty and won't come out.

     Steak for dinner (yum!) and then who knows what? Probabaly more relaxing! Ahhhhhh...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cougar Town

Cougar Town is on hiatus until April 13 2011

Is not the last image we have of Travis the perfect way to keep us waiting? (I'm actually not sure if I'm being sarcastic or serious)...

The Middle, Season 2

Episode 16
February 16, 2011

     The episode opens up with Brick in a 'social skills pageant'. Which is super funny, and totally typical of this show, and Brick. "I like flying kites", "I like flying kites too", and then they shake hands (and break!). Brick's story this episode is him wanting a friend. He says to his parents about finding a friend "mom, dad, you know what I like". Frankie going on about Brick's friend was as if she was describing a date; she laughed at all his jokes and put out (not sexually), and she was obsessing about him not calling back. Brick ended up making a friend on his own, when left unattended. The look on his face when the other boy (Arlow) said he likes flying kites was priceless! It was like 'omg I know what to say!'. Totally priceless.

     Axl's band reminds me so much of Dillon's music from Modern Family. His lyrics are nowhere near as clever, but the music is equally as bad. I laughed out loud when he's trying to get his teacher to star in his music video, thinking they make 100K or 200K a year max. I wish!!

     Sue and Mike are hilarious together. She wants to see and R-rated movie with Taylor Lautner (is he even old enough to see an r-rated movie?) Mike's answer was that Frankie probably already said no, so he says no too. Sue and Carly find a way to get into the theatre (by dressing like old ladies). She ultimately comes home sobbing that it was all a big mistake, she should have listened to her parents, tat she couldn't handle three pumps of butter and threw up on the floor. She begged her dad to punish her, so he took away her phone and iPod. After that, he had run out of things to take away. Sue offers that she likes to watch a guy at the park mow the lawn, and Mike responds "okay, no more of that for two weeks ... actually that's a little weird, why don't you stop doing that altogether". At the end of the episode, Mike asked Sue if she was supposed to go to Carly's, but she says "I'm grounding myself for another week, I just don't feel as though I've learned my lesson"

The Bachelor, Season 15

Episode 7
February 14, 2011

     Preface: How appropriate, to air and watch The Bachelor on Valentine's Day...♥

     This episode starts out with the crew travelling from Costa Rica, where the were last week, to the island of Anguilla. You should Google-map Anguilla, it's really out in the middle of nowhere with only other teeny tiny islands to keep it company. There are six girls left right now, Britt, Michelle, Shawntel, Ashley H, Chantal and Emily, two of which to be sent home this episode.

     Date 1: Emily, one-on-one. Brad first off says that she's everything he's ever wanted in a woman, and he feels too good for her. I almost see that too. Emily to me seems like one of those really wholesome, southern, daddy's girl, who marries her high school sweetheart, and they grow old together, drinking sweet tea under the shade of the trees ... although I guess that would have been the case if her husband hadn't died. Oopsies!
     I really like Emily, but I don't know if I like her for Brad the best out of all the girls. I liked their date though, I feel like they finally got somewhere. I felt bad for Emily, she was so nervous and worried about hometown dates next week, and whether or not she would allow Brad to meet her daughter Ricki. I think I can understand the trepidation, but if she's really as serious about Brad as it seems, I really think it's not that big of a deal, and further, necessary. I thought it was so cute that Brad broke the rules twice; once to tell her how strongly he felt about her, which is more than he thought he should. The other time was him telling Emily that she was going to get a rose for sure. I was a little bit taken aback. It makes perfect sense that he's not allowed to tell her anything like that. But it was just so cute when he said that he doesn't care about the rules, but only about Emily, and their kisses are always more than just kisses. This whole episode it seemed like he was way more enthralled with Em than all the others put together.

     Date 2: Shawntel, one-on-one. I thought their date was a little strange, them walking through the marketplace among people who don't even speak English, but Anguillanese or Spanish or whatever. It was so awkward when the lady asked them if they were in love. So, so awkward. "....maybe". Shawntel told Brad she's falling in love with him. Which is good, because Chantal already professed her love using the "L word", and Emily seems pretty close to doing the same thing. I thought it was so cute that Brad was able to talk to Shawntel about his dad, and he's never been able to talk to anyone else ... that's one of my favourite qualities in a boyfriend.

Right at this moment I'm realizing we're well into the episode and haven't heard anything much from Michelle yet...

     Date 3: Britt, one-on-one. Well, here is her one-on-one date finally. I'm fairly certain it's too little too late, but I'll give the date a chance. I like Britt, I think she's really cute, but if we're being honest, Brad is so much farther along with all the other four girls, and it's just too late for them. Brad and Britt took a yacht to a private little bay, actually called Little Bay (haha how clever). Michelle was commenting, saying that it's a waste of a one-on-one, and she hopes their ship goes down. Isn't she a thoughtful sweetheart? Brad said he was proud of Britt for overcoming her fears and jumping off the cliff. But come on, how sad is that!? You can be proud of that accomplishment in a four year old, but not in a potential wife. Yet another indication that this is a bomb. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but a few times during her interviews with her hair tucked behind her ears she looked a little bit like Anne from ANTM last season. The small talk at their dinner was so awkward. Brad even said, he's in one the most romantic places with a gorgeous girl, and there's no romantic connection. Pathetically, Britt said that she wanted more time to get to know him, and wanted another chance. Oh Britt, oh dear, that's not the point! This show is like speed dating on speed. You don't get a second chance. There was no rose (for him not to give her) but he sent her home anyway. Ehh no loss.

     Date 4: Ashley, Chantal, Michelle, group. As soon as the date card comes, Michelle says "I really don't want to be going on a mutual date with you guys." As if the others are excited about the dreaded group date. She's so dummmmb. Brad goes and wakes up the girls in the early hours of the morning for an XXX rated photo shoot for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition (out February 15th hehe). Ashley really has no boobs. Like nine year old boy no boobs.
     Anyway, during her shot, the photographer said "this would look incredible without a top on". Ashley says "no I'm not doing that" and then responds almost immediately "okay I'll do it". Chantal's bathing suit was pretty sketchy, it was like yarn or weave or crochet or something. She took her top off right away. It was so funny how awkward brad was: "ok its off, ok its off". Maybe that tells you you're not ready to be in a sexual relationship with people. Think about that one eh buddy-boy?! Of course Michelle has to step in and try to prove herself better than anyone else; she says to the camera "but I'm just not the the type of girl that's like very, you know, easily persuaded into something like that!" Uh huh, you're so pure and innocent alright. Not twenty seconds later you're lying on top of Brad, dry humping him into the sand, and lickng / making out with his face for the camera. She claimed on a scale of 1-10 of hotness her shoot was at least a 15. Oh get over yourself! I think Brad's starting to see through her BS, especially since he then said "I thought I knew Michelle..." Seeing the light?
     After the photo shoot, the three girls and Brad went to a private pool, and the horrible awkwardness ensued. Brad is still asking the girls "can I steal you? do you have a second?" as if at this point they're busy with other girls, or would refuse some one-on-one time with him. All three girls had such dramatic conversations, Ashley and Chantal were upset, saying they felt disconnected from him, and then of course Michelle just goes on about how she's so confident she's suppsed to be there. She said to Brad that last time they talked it was such a deep conversation. I'm sitting here thinking 'umm didn't you tell him not to speak at all, and to send other girls home, oh and then some more about not talking?!' Psycho-Biznatch. Brad is all hesitant about giving a rose, because he's worried that the other girls will take it the wrong way and shut down completely, and for good. But we know he likes to break the rules, so just don't give a rose! But he gives it to Ashley. I guess it doesn't really matter who he give it to (between Chantal and Ashley of course, Michelle needs to get a reality check). After the rose, Chantal of course broke down and reverted back to her whole "if you can't choose me then just send me home" drama. Stop saying that! It makes you seem pathetic and desperate, and you may actually convince him to do so!

     Later that night was the rose ceremony. Brad again broke the rules by not having a rose ceremony; he said he knew exactly what to do. So right about now I'm thinking he's finally seen the light and is going to send Michelle home. But of course, then I second and third guess myself, thinking that maybe I only think he's going to send her home because I want him to so badly.

     Roses: Ashley, Emily, Shawntal, Chantal.

     Brad finally realized that beyond her attractiveness (which would eventually have worn off) they have nothing in common. Thankfully he figured that out before it was too late, and before he sent home someone who actually deserves him. I thought it was just one last straw when Michelle lay down in the limo and didn't say anything at all. I wonder if she's going to be on the "after the rose" episode, or if she was too chastised to show her face *dramatic gasp*...

This and That

     How depressing is it when you have (most of) a day off, and you make all these plans only to realize you don't have time for them? Midterms are over, and I have until 3:00 today to do whatever I want. Naturally, I've had to put off doing all these things since at least Saturday, so I've been really looking forward to it. Sleeping in!!! I have a couple of blogs to write, a book review, some TV shows to catch up on... I also promised Holly I'd do the rest of the dishes (tangent: why does it seem at night that there are only a few dishes to do, but by the time our late-night snack, breakfast, and randomly found dishes are added to the mix, the amassment is depressingly high?) On top of all that, my room is still an unbearable mess, and I have a mountain of laundry in desperate need of attending-to. I guess I'll plug away at the list until I have to leave for class; at least that way I'll be able to get a few things done.

     So my blog entry for the day is a little bit of "this and that". A few random thoughts from here and there which I have been collecting for the past few days in order to put them down now.

     Last night during my Prison & Liberty class, I noticed that the guy sitting beside me had an odd smell. It was fairly distracting, especially since I couldn't put my finger on it right away. Then all of a sudden about halfway through the exam it came to me: cilantro. Yah, I tweaked. Then in the middle of the exam, I found I was no longer trying to think of the characteristics of the penitentiary as described by Foucault, or the explanation of what is "new rehabilitation", but of the rant I was going to post in my blog. Cilantro?! I mean, come on!

     So it came to me that I would have to post this list at one point, and now seemed liek the perfect time. Ladies and Gentlemen, all my Lifers alike, "I proudly present your dinner" (sorry, I couldn't help it). I present to you the list of foods I hate.
  • Cilantro. Don't ever try to feed me a dish that this herb came anywhere near. It ruins my appetite, it makes me feel sick, and it's just absolutely horrible. I don't have a psychological reason as to why I hate cilantro, it's just repulsive and disgusting.
  • Indian Curry. This food is synonymous with vomit. It actually warrants me to use "the B word" (but I'll suffice with this, I don't want to see it written down). The smell sets my stomach into self-destruct mode. My brain tries to melt so that my sense of smell is dulled so that I don't keel over and die on the spot. In all honestly, I'm not exaggerating. [A little aside for all you smart asses out there: I do put curry on my Kraft Dinner (and don't knock that 'til you try it, trust me!). Curry on KD is nothing remotely similar to curried goat or chickpeas or whatever those indians eat. For your uneducated information, Curry is an umbrella term for an Indian or Asian themed mixture of spices, including turmeric, coriander and cumin (also repulsive). The curry powder you buy at the grocery store in Canada tastes and smells nothing like the curry of Asia. So no, I am not a hypocrite or prejudiced or whatever.]
  • Cinnamon Hearts. Kill-me-now. These monstrous confectionery  nightmares should never come anywhere near me. This actually extends to all fake cinnamon. Toothpaste and gum are the worst. I have been known to reflexively gag(not throw up) in the direction of one who kisses me, tasting of such nightmare. "This is what evil must taste like!" Yes Phoebe, mockolate=fake cinnamon. I send out a little warning: I will break up with you if you give me cinnamon hearts on valentine's day. [I'd also break up with you if you tried to propose to me with a yellow gold ring, I mean come on! Though I suppose this isn't food so perhaps it's a moot point right now.]
  • Green Peas. This is probably the lesser of all evils, but still agitates my gag reflexes. My mom used to make fried rice and put in green peas, and I always ate around them. Let's be honest here, green peas are good for one thing, and that is to be used as a freezer pack to reduce swelling. Am I right?! (yes)
     While I was showering last night and washing my hair, somehow I started thinking about shampoo and conditioner, and how they came to be. In all 208 episodes of How It's Made, they don't address this at all. Maybe I should put in a request. Anyway, I was looking at the ingredients of my conditioner, and the first two were water and cetyl alcohol. Who decided to mix up water and alcohol and put it in their hair, hoping for a softer texture?! Of course I know that's not how conditioner came to be, but it provided me with a few minutes of quizzical entertainment. [This explains the actual history of conditioner.] One more hair comment: I need a haircut! My hair is all dry and I have about two inches of pure split ends that needs to be fixed. So my mom will be posing as a beautician next week...

     Somehow I stumbled upon YouTube looking up really cute videos of babies and baby animals. I absolutely need to share with you the cutest and my most favourite commercials: Kinder Chocolate, HP ePrint.
     Now I really think I should get back to doing something productive!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Grey's Anatomy

Season 7, Episode 14
February 10, 2011

     This episode I enjoyed for a few reasons and story lines. I love the fact that Karev is so sweet. He had his share of asshole moments, so I love the story line of him working in peds and the NICU. It shows another side of him that we haven't seen since Izzy left.

     Lexie is hilarious. I think Chyler Leigh is an amazing actor. The scene of her venting to Avery about her Dad's new "tatted-up skank" was just the right amount of comedy, and then tragedy when she ends up talking about Mark. I really want them to get back together. It was so sweet of Avery not to tell Mark about it. And I loved the bit about Avery's sparkle.

     As far as Callie goes, I think she is amazingly hilarious. She always has the best monologues, and her facial expressions and tone of voice is always delivered perfectly.

     "If we're gonna do this whole 'everybody gets a vote' thing, there's gonna be a new system. We'll still each get one vote, but also the baby gets a vote. As I house the baby, I'll be speaking for him slash her. And, since I'll be pushing this baby out of a very small hole in my body, I'll also get an extra-special vagina vote."

I want an extra-special vagina vote!

The Bachelor, Season 15

Episode 1
January 3, 2011
     I only started watching this show last season with Jake Pavelka, so I was not acquainted with Brad Womack. I had no idea that he was on the show before, nor what happened. I was therefore predisposed to like him. The very beginning of the season showcased several minutes of Brad explaining that he went through therapy and is a changed man. I'll give it to him, he seems to be telling the truth, and he's very humble. Having him mention continuously throughout the whole episode I think was a little much. But all the girls kept asking him if he's changed and what's so different now. I feel like it's not a good time to ask all that. If it were me, I would tell him not to worry about the past, that I am a strong believer in second chances, and I am willing to get to know the person he is today.

     The first episode is always overwhelming because you meet so many people, many of whom you won't see again. My first impressions of the girls:

Ashley H - very cute, funny
Shawntel - very cute. she works as a funeral director, which I think is a cool job, but I'm sure it will make for an awkward conversation later
Ashley S - top favourite. the cutest ever, totally reminds me of Tenley. I loved that she didn't ask him about his past as did everyone else. First impression rose
Chantal O - very ballsy, wears the pants for sure. When she first meets Brad she slaps him. Then has the nerve to say that it's from every woman in America and don't hate the messenger. That is so not cool
Michelle - strangely reminds me of Michelle from last season. The first thing she says on the show is that she is the bachelor's wife, he just doesn't know it yet. Red flag anyone? Her dress is awful: yellow animal print?!
Raichel - seems strange. her job is 'manscaping', and at the first party she waxed brads arm... that is really wierd. Batwings? Undercarriage?
Meghan - maybe
Madison - apparently she thinks she's a vampire. Really mysterious in a very creepy way that's not at all good. Brad asks her if she's wearing fangs and her answer is "they're a bit sharper" and then he asks if they're real and she doesn't answer at all. What a waste of time! It's like she cares more about being mysterious than about falling in love so I think she needs to go.
Emily - from Charlotte NC, so I love her already. She is amazingly sweet and wholesome, also reminds me slightly of Tenley. Has a sad backstory and I feel for her already. Close second favourite
Alli - seems like she tries too hard. Inappropriately and obnoxiously asks Brad if he can handle the size of her behind.
Lindsay - so cute
Jackie - cute, but then she made Brad pinky-swear that he won't break her heart, and that seems stupid to me.
Sarah - made Brad propose to her... no
Britnee - made Brad come to the car to open the door for her, which I think is so not appropriate, given the circumstances
Lisa M - cute and sweet. She wore ruby slippers which was cute
Rebecca - kissed him so woah no
Keltie - I like her right off the bat. She's cute and playful (she's the rockette)
Britt - so cute

     At the cocktail party, pretty much the only thing of real note (that I haven't already mentioned) is that Alli and Renee kept stealing Brad back and forth, like children fighting over a toy, it was very annoying and immature.

"It's better to be home alone than home wishing you were alone" Emily

     girls sent home: Rebecca, Lauren, Britnee, Lisa P, Cristy, J, Jill, Lacey, Renee, Sarah L.


     Ahh breakfast, my love. And boy do I ever love breakfast. Pancakes, cereal, granola, porridge, waffles, fruit, crepes, breakfast buns, smoothies and shakes .... All are music to my ears (and the eqivalent saying for mouth).

     I woke up this morning, feeling particularly annoyed about having to spend my whole weekend doing school work. I know it's necessary blah blah. What I would really love to do is spend the day getting my room tidy, making cookies, and quilting. But instead, I have a 10 page paper due Tuesday in my personality class, a midterm for Clinical Psych Monday night, and a midterm Tuesday night in my Prison&Liberty class.

     It's not that the classes aren't interesting, I just don't want to write the paper.

     We're supposed to write a whole self-discovery paper about ourselves and our childhood, and how that has affected our personalities and relationships today. It's very Freudian ... but without Freud (if that makes any sense). I was going to do my paper on Erikson's eight stages, and how I passed through them during my life thus far, how I am shaped today because of it, and then branch off a bit into my relationship, and how that follows the same stages. It's all very interesting.

     I just love procrastinating.

     Since I am sickly poor, and have no suitable breakfast item, I have decided to make breakfast buns. They are fantabulous.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Bachelor, Season 15

This is my take so far on episodes 2-6.

Blah blah Michelle is a psycho.

I don't care about "ISM'S"

     I hate studying for this class. I don't get history. Some people may think that's stupid, but everyone has a weakness and mine is history (and politics and philosophy, but please don't get me started). I am interested enough in learning about Freud and Skinner and Locke and Erikson (people who's theories are actually interesting, and worth their weight in gold). But Descartes, Liebniz, Hobbes, Bacon ... eurgh. They are just so stupid. I know what you'll say: "they had theories that were moderatly true as far as we know today, and some time in the future people will look back on our modern theories and think they're ridiculous". I am well aware of that, but we are in 2011 right now, not some future 23-something, so I don't care.

     Argh, these people! They spend their entire lives arguing about such trivial and simple things. Do we have a mind? Where is it? How does it interact with the body? I believe that most people these days would have an appropriately simple answer. Is knowledge innate or learned? Can cause ever be determined? Do we discover the world physically, or through sensory perceptions? I say come up with an answer and get on with your lives.

     And seriously?! What idiot decided that our brains were filled with animal spirits, and as these passed through the brain tissue, the spirits tightened or released our brain fibers, and this is what causes memory.

     I hate the ism's. Empiricism, rationalism, humanism, sensationalism, parallelism, determinism, idealism, historicism, reductionism, realism, dualism, interactionism, positivism, scientism *BREATHE* (betcha can't say that three times fast). I don't know what they are, and I don't care what they are. I wish people would stop shoving philosophy down my throat. When I become Queen of the World, that will be a rule. I'd also put a damper on religion, but don't get me started; I'm supposed to be studying, and that rant could take all night.

     Wish me luck!

Day of Death

     So I slept like a dead person last night.

     My alarm woke me up at 10:00 and I was in the same position I was when I fell asleep. And that means I'm tired. But something odd happened; I set my alarm for 10:00 and it woke me up. At the time I decided like hell was I going to get up, so I re-set my alarm for 11:00. I woke up on my own at 10:57, and watched the clock change ... 10:57 ... 10:58 ... 10:59 ... 11:00 .... And the alarm didn't go off. Of course, I figured that in my probably-still-very-asleep state, I mucked up changing the time (as I do from time to time). So I decided to be smart and responsible, and get out of bed. My History midterm is at 5:30, and I do have quite a lot to read. Now, my fellow Lifers, what time is it now as I blog ever so faithfully? 10:18. I'm pissed. Don't ask.

     Of course, as is my luck, I think I'm coming down with something. Headache, body aches, extreme exhaustion... Well don't be surprised, it's exam time.

     Today is seriously going to suck.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Grey's Anatomy - Briefing

Since this is the first post I'm writing about Grey's, I think I should brief you all on my take.

     Avery is delicious
     Karev is super sexy. I think he and Izzy did well together, and I didn't like her leaving. The only other person I liked him with was Lexie.
     Except Lexie and Mark need to be together. I totally understand her reluctance to be with him both times when he has a baby in his life, but I hope it all works out.
     Meredith and Derek are of course perfect together.
     Cristina and Owen being together is okay for me, so long as Owen isn't with Teddy. I don't like Teddy. I really had no patience for Cristina at the beginning of this season when she was going through her PTSD meltdown.
     Actually, I loved Cristina with Burke, so I didn't like his departure. And I loved George, so it sucks that he left too.
     The pseudo-lesbian thing between Callie and Hahn was just no. I don't like Hahn, and I'm glad she's gone.
     Callie and Arizona together I love.

What The Crap...

What the crap.
What the crap.

So I went to the library just now to get the slides to copy. There are three copies on reserve, and they are all checked out. Now I was expecting that, but I was prepared to wait for them. Normally, things such as notes and textbooks are on reserve for a few hours and/or are not supposed to leave the library at all.

This is of course not the case.

Two of the three copies are due tomorrow at 5:30pm (lo and behold, the starting time of the exam), and the third copy is due Saturday afternoon at 2:15. Seriously.

I sent an e-mail to the teacher asking her to please change the time limit for the reserve items to something more reasonable, and not two friggin days.

Now what?!? ...

Change of Plans...

So, folks, get ready for a change in the lineup.

Instead of going to Personality class (yeah yeah, leave me alone) I am going to watch Monday's episode of The Bachelor, and resume my Celtic quilt block.

Morriset dungeon can fare fine without me for a few more hours.

Urgh History! Urgh, Midterms!

     I've got a bit of time now to write while I eat my porridge (maple and brown sugar = yumm). Not that I don't enjoy the porridge (note the 'yumm') but I miss CEREAL. Cereal is my life. But since I didn't go back to work after the Christmas break, and really really need to continue paying off my bills, I have not been able to buy groceries in almost a month, ergo no milk, ergo no cereal.

     I have my first exam tomorrow in my History and Systems of Psychology class. Me + history = nightmare. So needless to say, I am anxious about the midterm. At the beginning of the semester, I was so excited to go to classes, I felt so proud and full of purpose. Well that only lasted a week or so. Damn you Sims, quilting, sleep and lack of willpower... So after my Personality class today at 2:30, I'm going to march myself down into the depths of the Morriset library to get the notes of the classes that I missed. Then I am going to sit my ass down at a table, and copy all the ones I missed. Then I am going to open my textbook and read all six chapters. Why venture down in the depths of the sub-basement of the library you ask? The answer is simple. My teacher still believes it is the late 90's and continues to use an overhead projector and transparencies. Look out classmates, I will fight you tooth and nail for those slides!

     Of course, some of that will need to be postponed until tomorrow, as Matt and I are going to see The Long Weekend at the Ottawa Little Theatre tonight, courtesy of my mother's Christmas present to us (mainly for Matt, but I get to tag along).

     Oh dear look at the time. I have to finish my porridge (because of course I haven't touched it yet due to you, you distraction). Plus, Holly is talking about a cash-cow?! And I need to shower before class, for which I have to leave at 1:40.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Too Early

I am so ... very ... tired....
I woke up early (as per usual) but I can't get back to sleep. I'm really quite hungry, but I have no food. Well, almost no food. And since there is nothing acceptable on my any of my three go-to channels, I am sitting herewatching Sex and the City with Dublin. Wait - Miranda is pregnant? Charlotte is divorced? Uh oh, this episode is later in the series than I am already caught up on.
I really am too tired for this...

The Beginning...

Again it is exam time. So it's currently 12:43am, and instead of studying (or sleeping!) here I am creating a time-whore. Ahh but sometimes I'll need to write about books, movies, people, food, myself... and as such, a blog with a purpose is born. Enjoy ♥
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