enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This and That

     How depressing is it when you have (most of) a day off, and you make all these plans only to realize you don't have time for them? Midterms are over, and I have until 3:00 today to do whatever I want. Naturally, I've had to put off doing all these things since at least Saturday, so I've been really looking forward to it. Sleeping in!!! I have a couple of blogs to write, a book review, some TV shows to catch up on... I also promised Holly I'd do the rest of the dishes (tangent: why does it seem at night that there are only a few dishes to do, but by the time our late-night snack, breakfast, and randomly found dishes are added to the mix, the amassment is depressingly high?) On top of all that, my room is still an unbearable mess, and I have a mountain of laundry in desperate need of attending-to. I guess I'll plug away at the list until I have to leave for class; at least that way I'll be able to get a few things done.

     So my blog entry for the day is a little bit of "this and that". A few random thoughts from here and there which I have been collecting for the past few days in order to put them down now.

     Last night during my Prison & Liberty class, I noticed that the guy sitting beside me had an odd smell. It was fairly distracting, especially since I couldn't put my finger on it right away. Then all of a sudden about halfway through the exam it came to me: cilantro. Yah, I tweaked. Then in the middle of the exam, I found I was no longer trying to think of the characteristics of the penitentiary as described by Foucault, or the explanation of what is "new rehabilitation", but of the rant I was going to post in my blog. Cilantro?! I mean, come on!

     So it came to me that I would have to post this list at one point, and now seemed liek the perfect time. Ladies and Gentlemen, all my Lifers alike, "I proudly present your dinner" (sorry, I couldn't help it). I present to you the list of foods I hate.
  • Cilantro. Don't ever try to feed me a dish that this herb came anywhere near. It ruins my appetite, it makes me feel sick, and it's just absolutely horrible. I don't have a psychological reason as to why I hate cilantro, it's just repulsive and disgusting.
  • Indian Curry. This food is synonymous with vomit. It actually warrants me to use "the B word" (but I'll suffice with this, I don't want to see it written down). The smell sets my stomach into self-destruct mode. My brain tries to melt so that my sense of smell is dulled so that I don't keel over and die on the spot. In all honestly, I'm not exaggerating. [A little aside for all you smart asses out there: I do put curry on my Kraft Dinner (and don't knock that 'til you try it, trust me!). Curry on KD is nothing remotely similar to curried goat or chickpeas or whatever those indians eat. For your uneducated information, Curry is an umbrella term for an Indian or Asian themed mixture of spices, including turmeric, coriander and cumin (also repulsive). The curry powder you buy at the grocery store in Canada tastes and smells nothing like the curry of Asia. So no, I am not a hypocrite or prejudiced or whatever.]
  • Cinnamon Hearts. Kill-me-now. These monstrous confectionery  nightmares should never come anywhere near me. This actually extends to all fake cinnamon. Toothpaste and gum are the worst. I have been known to reflexively gag(not throw up) in the direction of one who kisses me, tasting of such nightmare. "This is what evil must taste like!" Yes Phoebe, mockolate=fake cinnamon. I send out a little warning: I will break up with you if you give me cinnamon hearts on valentine's day. [I'd also break up with you if you tried to propose to me with a yellow gold ring, I mean come on! Though I suppose this isn't food so perhaps it's a moot point right now.]
  • Green Peas. This is probably the lesser of all evils, but still agitates my gag reflexes. My mom used to make fried rice and put in green peas, and I always ate around them. Let's be honest here, green peas are good for one thing, and that is to be used as a freezer pack to reduce swelling. Am I right?! (yes)
     While I was showering last night and washing my hair, somehow I started thinking about shampoo and conditioner, and how they came to be. In all 208 episodes of How It's Made, they don't address this at all. Maybe I should put in a request. Anyway, I was looking at the ingredients of my conditioner, and the first two were water and cetyl alcohol. Who decided to mix up water and alcohol and put it in their hair, hoping for a softer texture?! Of course I know that's not how conditioner came to be, but it provided me with a few minutes of quizzical entertainment. [This explains the actual history of conditioner.] One more hair comment: I need a haircut! My hair is all dry and I have about two inches of pure split ends that needs to be fixed. So my mom will be posing as a beautician next week...

     Somehow I stumbled upon YouTube looking up really cute videos of babies and baby animals. I absolutely need to share with you the cutest and my most favourite commercials: Kinder Chocolate, HP ePrint.
     Now I really think I should get back to doing something productive!

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