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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Bachelor, Season 15

Episode 1
January 3, 2011
     I only started watching this show last season with Jake Pavelka, so I was not acquainted with Brad Womack. I had no idea that he was on the show before, nor what happened. I was therefore predisposed to like him. The very beginning of the season showcased several minutes of Brad explaining that he went through therapy and is a changed man. I'll give it to him, he seems to be telling the truth, and he's very humble. Having him mention continuously throughout the whole episode I think was a little much. But all the girls kept asking him if he's changed and what's so different now. I feel like it's not a good time to ask all that. If it were me, I would tell him not to worry about the past, that I am a strong believer in second chances, and I am willing to get to know the person he is today.

     The first episode is always overwhelming because you meet so many people, many of whom you won't see again. My first impressions of the girls:

Ashley H - very cute, funny
Shawntel - very cute. she works as a funeral director, which I think is a cool job, but I'm sure it will make for an awkward conversation later
Ashley S - top favourite. the cutest ever, totally reminds me of Tenley. I loved that she didn't ask him about his past as did everyone else. First impression rose
Chantal O - very ballsy, wears the pants for sure. When she first meets Brad she slaps him. Then has the nerve to say that it's from every woman in America and don't hate the messenger. That is so not cool
Michelle - strangely reminds me of Michelle from last season. The first thing she says on the show is that she is the bachelor's wife, he just doesn't know it yet. Red flag anyone? Her dress is awful: yellow animal print?!
Raichel - seems strange. her job is 'manscaping', and at the first party she waxed brads arm... that is really wierd. Batwings? Undercarriage?
Meghan - maybe
Madison - apparently she thinks she's a vampire. Really mysterious in a very creepy way that's not at all good. Brad asks her if she's wearing fangs and her answer is "they're a bit sharper" and then he asks if they're real and she doesn't answer at all. What a waste of time! It's like she cares more about being mysterious than about falling in love so I think she needs to go.
Emily - from Charlotte NC, so I love her already. She is amazingly sweet and wholesome, also reminds me slightly of Tenley. Has a sad backstory and I feel for her already. Close second favourite
Alli - seems like she tries too hard. Inappropriately and obnoxiously asks Brad if he can handle the size of her behind.
Lindsay - so cute
Jackie - cute, but then she made Brad pinky-swear that he won't break her heart, and that seems stupid to me.
Sarah - made Brad propose to her... no
Britnee - made Brad come to the car to open the door for her, which I think is so not appropriate, given the circumstances
Lisa M - cute and sweet. She wore ruby slippers which was cute
Rebecca - kissed him so woah no
Keltie - I like her right off the bat. She's cute and playful (she's the rockette)
Britt - so cute

     At the cocktail party, pretty much the only thing of real note (that I haven't already mentioned) is that Alli and Renee kept stealing Brad back and forth, like children fighting over a toy, it was very annoying and immature.

"It's better to be home alone than home wishing you were alone" Emily

     girls sent home: Rebecca, Lauren, Britnee, Lisa P, Cristy, J, Jill, Lacey, Renee, Sarah L.

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